Basic Programming Terminology for Beginners
Basic Programming Terminology for Beginners:- Programming is now on the boom. This means that every field is now incomplete without programming. That’s why millions of people learn programming or coding every year. And if you want to learn programming or you are beginner then this programming terms helps you to understand programming in a better way.
Programming Terminology for Beginners
1. Variables
Variable nothing but a Container. You see the container in your home right. What container does? Obviously, store the things right. Similarly, in computer memory, we store the data and variables are identifiers for their location. The building blocks of every computer program or software are variables. With variables, we can perform various operations like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and more.
Memory Representation of Variable
2. Data Types
In our home, we have various containers right. These different containers, we store specific things like this container for sketch pens, this for tools, this for blah blah, etc. okay. In programming, we can make a specific type of container, which means variable. If you want this variable for store numbers then make it Integer type, if you want to store your awesome name in a variable then make it String type. There are lots of types in various programming but these following are basic for all.
- Integer
- Float
- Char
- Float
- Boolean
3. Algorithm
In our life, we face different types of problems like my dog not handshake with me, my crush not looking at me, oh these are the big problem for us. But what we do we find a solution for them. Step by step we follow the step of the solution and we succeeded in our goal. Similarly, in programming, we solve the problem step by step in a paper (most of in brain) before writing the code. Okay, that’s the algorithm.
Here Algorithm of the sum of two number
Step 1: StartStep 2: Declare variables num1, num2 and sum. Step 3: Read values num1 and num2. Step 4: Add num1 and num2 and assign the result to sum. sum←num1+num2 Step 5: Display sum Step 6: Stop
4. Flowchart
Okay, guys, we have the biggest problem in the world you can see above right. But sometimes we can understand the solution by the graphical representation easily rather than step by step (algorithm). So we can draw the steps by shapes and lines and understand the problem and represent the solution. In, computer field we represent the solution of problem or program or logic by different lines and shapes. Lines for flow and different shapes are connected to it to understand the flow of the program. Here, each shape has a specific meaning.
Here Flowchart of the sum of two number
Flowchart of the sum of two number
5. Pseudocode
Pseudocode (pronounced SOO-doh-kohd okay) simple description of what program or algorithm must do. An expression is to write in a formal natural language rather than in code. Pseudocode is sometimes used to representing the detailed process of the program.
Example of pseudo-code
If a student's grade is greater than or equal to 60
Print "passed"
Print "failed"
6. Syntax
I know the syntax is the very very basic term. You can create your own rule for your life, “My Rule My Life”. Similarly, “Programming has their own rules and their own life 😎”. You need to must follow their set of rules for creating an awesome program. And this set of rules known as syntax.
7. Constant
In our home, there is a fixed container for fixed things. And these things inside the container doesn’t change right. In programming, we can also describe a constant variable that not change after assigning a value to it. Constant can be number, character, string. The best example is the PI. We do not want to change the PI value in our program.
8. API
Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of protocols, rules, routines that help you to build a software application. APIs help you to communicate with a third party or other services and programs. These services are helpful to build software.
9. Scope
Think about Container Again. The container inside the garage is not useful for the kitchen right. Here, container=variable. The scope decides this variable only valid inside this piece of code unless globally. The scope is beneficial for memory management. There are two types of scope Local and Global.
10. IDE
Integrated Development Environment or simply say IDE is one of the most important components for programmers. It is fully functional software for coding. Programmers easily write their code fast. With IDE you can manage your code beautifully. It has lots of features to manage your code. Lot’s of shortcuts, auto-indentation, autocomplete actually save your time. It has a compiler to run the program and debugger to test the code and more features.
11. Compiler
A different language has its own compiler, that converts our formal language code to machine code language because computer understands machine language right. The compiler also throws the errors and warnings.
12. Debugging
Debugging is the process to locate and remove the errors and correct the program. This step by step method handle by software via debugging tool (debugger). Debugging useful to understand the flow of the program.
13. Assembler
Assembler is the program that converts code or translates assembly written code into machine code. Some users may also refer to assembly language or assembler language as an assembler.
14. Interpreter
An Interpreter is the computer program that directly executes means instruction written in a programming language does not need to compile previously.
15. Machine Language
Humans talk in a different language like English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Franch, etc. right. But a machine or computer can’t understand our formal language so, the computer has its own language called Machine Language. There are two bits 0 and 1 are available in this language. It’s called Binary Bits. These two bits used as True or False, Yes or No, On or Off or simply One or Zero.
These are the top programming terminology for beginners. These all basic programming terms very useful for programming life. It helps you to understand programming.