The First Computer Programmer Was a Female Mathematician

You know, the first computer programmer was a female mathematician? Let’s see,

Ada Lovelace was an intelligent and brilliant British mathematician and she the daughter of the English poet Lord Byron. She is also considered to be the first-ever computer programmer in history.

Ada born on December 10, 1815 London, England. Ada excelled in mathematics and was interested in numbers and fascinated by number theories.

Later in life, Ada started working with Charles Babbage, one of the very popular mechanical engineers of the 19th century.

ada lovelace with charles babbage

Charles Babbage also created one of the earliest models of mechanical computers, and was called the Difference Engine. This machine is also considered one of the cornerstones for modern calculators.

Ada became an essential factor in Babbage’s work and became one of his most experienced apprentices. She also translated the works of an Italian engineer, who later became the Prime Minister of Italy, Luigi Federico Menabrea. 

Her Notes on Luigi’s Article

One of Menabrea’s articles included a model of an Analytical Engine. In addition to translation, Lovelace annotated the articles with her own notes. However, her notes were three times as long as Menabrea’s original article. She published it in 1843 via an English journal.

Notes | galileo

Ada wrote about the possibility of programming a machine with a code to calculate Bernoulli numbers.  This code is considered to be the first algorithm carried out by a machine, making it the first computer program.

Ada lovelace on Bernoulli numbers.

Consequently, this makes her the first computer programmer. She also predicted that computers would do more than calculations.

Sadly, Ada Lovelace died in 1852 at the early age of 36. However, her legacy still remains to this day. Every year, on the second Tuesday of October, Ada Lovelace Day is celebrated.
